Re: New Project Proposal (or not..)

[ Daniel can you comment? ]

> My Proposal is to create a GUI Editor for SGML based documents.  The
> editor should take info in Cees de Groot's sgml editor white paper, and be
> able to give basic functionality to begin with, sprouting into whatever it
> can be used for.

The Thot editor from the W3C does this.

I have CCed Daniel on this.  He will be able to comment more about


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> MBOX-Line: From  Thu Mar 25 17:02:02 1999
> X-Authentication-Warning: steve owned process doing -bs
> Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 16:47:57 -0500 (EST)
> From: Stephen Rust <>
> X-Sender:
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> Subject: New Project Proposal (or not..)
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> Firstly, please stop me and tell me if you know of such a project already
> in progress.
> Overview:
> My Proposal is to create a GUI Editor for SGML based documents.  The
> editor should take info in Cees de Groot's sgml editor white paper, and be
> able to give basic functionality to begin with, sprouting into whatever it
> can be used for.
> Reasoning:
> I found myself wanting to create SGML documents but without the time to
> learn to code the SGML myself.  I wanted a graphical editor, but was
> hardpressed to find one that wasn't commercial.  The one found was psgmls
> plugin for Emacs which in Cees de Groot's words, is "not much above a text
> editor" itself. (or similar meaning).  And so, I became interested in
> finding or creating an editor...
> UNIX has a very powerful core.  With very many utilities designed to do
> their job and do it well.  By writing front-ends to these tools, and still
> utilizing their strength, very powerful GUI applications can also be
> developed.  Re-inventing core functionalities provided by other command
> line utilities (like jade, etc.) is not worthwhile and breaks the UNIX
> model.  (in my opinion).  Its better to use the existing functionality and
> just add on to the functionality by supplying a graphical element to it.
> Specifics:
> 	  - All SGML writing is handled internally.  You supply the look and
> 	    layout by dragging components around, not writing sgml code
> 	  - Processing calls existing external tools to verify code, and to
> 	    export/import in any number of formats.  When new functionality
> 	    of sgmltools are created, a simple recompile of the GUI will
> 	    inherit that functionality.
> 	  - New processor to actually create the SGML from the GUI layout
> 	    will most like need to be created.
> 	  - If a good interface to the sgml engines are created, lots of
> 	    use could be put into the entire gnome project, tying
> 	    documentation together.  And would enhance the DocBook usage
> 	    specifically.
> Thoughts:
> - Is it best to create a brand new sgml editor, or create plugins to
>   existing editors?  Perhaps both?
> - How large a project would this be?
> - A good name for the editor would be needed.
> Any other thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Steve
> -- 
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