Re: goad status (fwd)

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Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 15:50:24 -0500 (CDT)
To: Yo 'Ric Dude <>
Subject: Re: goad status

On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, Yo 'Ric Dude wrote:

> How does the Interoperable Naming Service spec recommend 
> the "discovery" of The Name Service?  Perhaps a broadcast
> query to the network at large?

I dont know, cant find the spec. Can you point me to it?
AHHH! a broadcast would be very bad. Big security problem.

As to your idea about persistant objects. Is there a way to do it?
If there is, I might have a solution figured out that would allow goad to
be able to work in a distributed environment and spawn objects on remote

> wrote:
> > 
> > Ok, so revised again:
> > 
> > resolve_initial_references for nameserver
> > 
> 0. check the command line for --orb-name-server=IOR ?
> > 1. checks the environmental variable NAMESERVER
> > 2. checks /tmp/orbit-$user/name-server-ior
> > 3. if DISPLAY is set, load dynamic library that tries to get the IOR from
> > X. (If module does not exist, ignore step 3)
> 3.5  multicast/broadcast query ?
> > 4. tries to spawn the name server.
> > At any step in the process, if it gets an ior, it should try to contact
> > the name server. If it can't, it goes to the next step.
> (random train of thought follows, ignore as necessary)
> My initial thought is that the "root" naming context 
> should be independent of an X session, and should be
> run as a system service, preferably on a well-known
> port, with a persistent ior.  If it goes down, and 
> comes back up (respawned by inittab?), it'll be at 
> the same IOR.  A machine/user specific subcontext 
> could be used for a session's important server 
> locations (mail handler, web browser, etc):
> 	/ - (respawns from inittab)
> 	/machine - per machine context
> 	/machine/user - machine per user session context
> 	/machine/user/mailhandler - bound to IOR of user's
> 			preferred mail handler program.
> 	/machine/user/webbrowser - bound to IOR of user's
> 			preferred web browser.
> Servers run in the context of a gnome session are 
> kind of tied to the X environment, anyway.  Perhaps
> the SESSION_MANAGER variable could be used to navigate
> to the proper personal naming context (from the root 
> naming context) to find the correct iors?
> -- ebm
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