An annoyingly regular 1.0.50 pep talk


11 bugs closed since last time, 6 new ones listed (a couple due to the
inclusion of the 'panel' bug module in this report. Definite progress. If
people could focus on fixing remaining bugs this weekend, that would allow
translators to get final translations done ASAP.

We are starting to assemble the tarballs to be used in the release under - in that directory is
a TODO file listing all the packages that need to make releases. A test
release is a release with the bugs fixed, a final release is one with
bugs-found-since-test-release, docs, and translations done.


Please look on the TODO list. Anything that has only a "final release"
listed is definitely in strings freeze. Things with "test & final" to be
done are not far from strings freeze either. If you want your translations
to be included in GNOME 1.0.50, you have one week to get them in CVS.


ORBit - test & final releases
control-center - test & final releases
gdm - test & final releases
gnome-core - test & final release
gnome-games - test & final releases
gnome-libs - test & final releases
gnome-media - test & final releases
gnome-network - test & final releases
gnome-pim - test & final releases
gnome-utils - final release
glib & gtk+ - We'll use 1.2.5 when they come out
gtop - final release
audiofile - final release
libgtop - final release
mc - test & final releases

If I'm missing packages from the list that need upcoming releases, PLEASE
tell someone about them.


gnome-applets (6 bugs):
   Grave (6 bugs)
    * #831: gnomepager_applet does not save preferences
    * #1227: Gnome panel pager task list refreshes incorrectly
    * #1433: Gnome-core gnome-pager config fix.
    * #1524: gnome_pager doesn't save size settings
    * #1651: Gnome pager applet 1.0.7 fails to save width/height changes.
    * #2052: gnome-pager can't handle COMPOUND_STRING. [PATCH]
gnome-core (8 bugs):
   Grave (8 bugs)
    * #1284: gnome-session core dumps when home directory is a NFS mounted directory
    * #1427: session manager restarts apps upon X server dying
    * #1737: sk titles, names, descriptions don't appear when they content national characters.
    * #1982: Session Manager doesn't save/read program attribs correctly
    * #1985: gnome-smproxy dumps core saving Netscape
    * #2006: Three things to be fixed
    * #2227: panel crashes when choosing a background pixmap in 16bpp
    * #2238: Unauthenticated connectiosn to session manager crash in libICE
gnome-libs (3 bugs):
   Grave (3 bugs)
    * #1943: bindtextdomain() undefined on HPUX
    * #1979: Canvas and some 8-bit characters
    * #2065: Grave problem with program failure under gnome-libs 1.0.15 and 1.0.16
gnome-media (6 bugs):
   Grave (6 bugs)
    * #509: gmix turns off cd sound
    * #764: After running gmix 3.0 cd sound can no longer be heard
    * #1079: gmix turns off left channel permanently
    * #1409: gmix cuts off cd audio 
    * #1490: TCD: Can't handle big CD's
    * #1929: Starting gmix kills CD sound.
imlib (1 bugs):
   Grave (1 bugs)
    * #2242: ImLib linking wierdness
mc (13 bugs):
   Critical (2 bugs)
    * #1965: gmc freezes
    * #2076: Incorrect window enlarging and resizing
   Grave (11 bugs)
    * #779: Clicking on a 'dead' mcfs link in gmc results in a deadlock
    * #899: Dragging from MC to the panel
    * #1669: mc 4.5.36 core dumps at launch
    * #1720: disk drives get mounted but not unmounted
    * #1858: GMC 4.5.37 doesn't accept drag & drop from netscape attachment pane correctly
    * #1893: GMC 4.5.37 segfaults after double-clicking on directory filenames in Icons view
    * #1928: [Wishlist] Add a 'trashcan' on the desktop.
    * #1932: gmc crashes immediately at starting, every time
    * #1990: <summarize bug in one line here>
    * #2070: Bad metadata in placement of desktop icons; perhaps gmc/mc?
    * #2153: gmc tree is unusable with smbfs
panel (3 bugs):
   Critical (1 bugs)
    * #2060: slashapp, vsa hang panel
   Grave (2 bugs)
    * #1629: Panel not working
    * #1633: [bug] panel isn't properly auto-hided

Hope this helps,
-- Elliot
radar Serbian Panama AK-47 KGB FSF spy Ft. Bragg Noriega NORAD Mossad
genetic Nazi Uzi Cocaine

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