Re: make dist

On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, [ISO-8859-1] Dennis Björklund wrote:

> I sent a mail like this a couple of weeks ago but I got no
> replys. The tarballs that are created are not always correct.
> Sometimes the .spec files are not correct. It looks like someone is
> making tarfiles by tar:ing down the directory by hand instead of
> using "make dist".
> For example gnome-libs-1.0.40 is like that. As it is in the ftp-area you
> can not use rpm -ta to build a .rpm since the .spec is wrong. But with
> the following steps it works perfectly:
> untar <tarball>
> configure
> make dist
> rpm -ta <resulting tarball>
> So how is the tarballs created and who is it that creates them?

'make distcheck' ('make dist' plus a complete rebuild). You couldn't
reproduce the problem because you weren't using an already-built tree.

The in gnome-libs wasn't quite correct - it is now fixed. In
the meantime, you can suck it in and build using the .spec file like
everyone used to do :)
	tar -xzf gnome-libs-1.0.40.tar.gz
	cp gnome-libs-1.0.40/*.spec /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/
	cp gnome-libs-1.0.40.tar.gz /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/
	rm -rf gnome-libs-1.0.40*
	rpm -ba /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/gnome-libs.spec

That's what you get for using as-yet unreleased stuff ;-)
-- Elliot
The first thing a programmer needs to admit is that any program is by far
more complex than his own mind. Thats why he partitions it into neat
pieces and avoids complexity.

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