Re: Suggestion on how to contribute


On 19 Apr 2000, Diego Dainese wrote:

> I should deliver a project to pass an academic exam involving a
> network server/client. My Teacher has made a few proposal such as
> - a CORBA service
> - a POP service
> - a tiny SMTP server
> - an LDAP server
> etc.
> But since I'm a big GNOME fan :-) I were wondering if I can make
> something to contribute to the GNOME project instead; obviously it
> must involve a network server/client too.
> Any proposal?

Months ago a wrote a simple examination app but without any networking
Maybe you can get some ideas (or reuse some code):

Networking support was planned using CORBA but I had to stop working
on it because of high workload + university exams + writing my diploma

 Cheers, Martin.

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