Re: Fonts and readability

On Thu, Jan 13, 2000 at 11:55:24PM -0500, Owen Taylor wrote:
> > > And it needs a decent font API.
> > 
> >  What's that? Font metrics availability to the applications?
>  - Better metrics - this includes lots of stuff - kerning tables,
>    positioning information for diacriticals, baseline adjustment
>    information.
>  - Better ways to deal with subset fonts. It's painful to get the
>    information about what characters are in a subset font
>    out of X currently.
>  - Better font matching capabilities
>  - Ability to deal with alternate glyphs for characters.
>  - Ability to draw rotated glyph strings.

1) Is it possible (in principle) to add some kind of font-info
  server, that you cab run in addition to xfs, has access to X fonts,
  and serves to you all the extra information.

2) xfsft is becoming xfs of choice.
     Are there any merits in using FreeType (FreeType2 in particular)
   library in Gnome. It produses high quality output, both with and
   without antialiasing, and version 2 seems to be aiming at support for
   T1 fonts. 
FreeType 2:  

FreeType 2 features:


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