Re: I want to help

On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 11:08:45PM -0100, Jean-Baptiste Nivoit wrote:


shell> db2pdf book.sgml


> * Jamin Philip Gray (jgray writeme com) wrote:
> > > Does anyone know of anywhere I could get a pdf copy of a decent gtk+ programming book?
> > 
> > Well I haven't seen it in pdf, but you can find Havoc's excellent
> > book, GTK+/Gnome Application Development, here:
> > 
> >
> I suppose you can do it with the gnome-doc-tools or whatever the name of 
> the rpm (or debian for that matter) package is. Here is how i rendered
> the GGAD in pdf on my slackware setup, with openjade and TeX:
> 1/ use jade to output the .tex file from the sgml source, using the
> DSSSL script provided:
> 	openjade -c /path/to/catalog -d book-ps.dsl -t tex -o GGAD.tex book.sgml
> 2/ use TeX to render the PDF (you will have to issue the command 2-3
> times to resolve all the cross-refs)
> 	pdftex -fmt=pdfjadetex -progname=pdfjadetex GGAD.tex
> note that you may have to tweak the $TEXMF/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf
> configuration file to increase the memory pool of TeX a bit.
> hope this helps. i worked for me, but ymmv.
>           jb.

Vladislav Grinchenko        e-mail: vgrinche integ com
Integral Systems, Inc.        http:

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