Re: Problem with aa gnome-canvas


Am Mittwoch, den 06. Juni 2001 12:25:03 schrieb Lion Kimbro:

> I have a few theories: 
> * Everyone who discovered the same problems with GnomeCanvasGroup has the
> same dillema as I have: They can fixing it, but have no reason to believe
> that if they do, their patch will be accepted. They write to the gtk-app-dev
> list about this, but receive no response. 

Seems to be a general gnome-problem. 

I once did some patches for the kde-projekt (kvt, ktop) and they
always gave me the feeling that patches, work and help are
appreciated. This feeling never set in with the gnome-projekt. This,
of course does not encourage people.


"Des is völlig wurscht, was heut beschlos- | M G Berberich
 sen wird: I bin sowieso dagegn!"          | berberic fmi uni-passau de
(SPD-Stadtrat Kurt Schindler; Regensburg)  |

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