Re: BUG NAG: 11782 bugs open on

On Mon, 10 Sep 2001, Darin Adler wrote:

> on 9/10/01 9:00 PM, Elliot Lee at sopwith+gnome redhat com wrote:
> > nautilus | 5049 
> Where does this number come from? When I query for open bugs in Nautilus, I
> get 1705, not 5049. Are you perhaps counting VERIFIED or CLOSED bugs as
> open?

Hmm, OK I'm counting VERIFIED as open. I can't figure out how to get a bug 
into the VERIFIED state so I'll change it to be treated as non-open.

> Also, it's a bit misleading to include enhancement requests as open bugs.
> There are a *ton* of enhancement requests open for Nautilus, and I don't see
> a great urgency to close them all down, although I will try to coalesce them
> and mark them as duplicates as time allows.

Hmm, good point.

Down to ~6700 now, I've done my duty for ten days or so ;-)
-- Elliot
Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.

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