Re: bonobo compile error

Is their some that could help? I really cannt get this to work. I am on my knees begging :) please?

Michael Honeyfield wrote:


I am hoping someone can help me with this.

When I try to compile bonobo-activation I get the following error:

gcc.real: Bonobo_Unknown-Common.c: No such file or directory
gcc.real: No iput files
make [2]: *** [Bonobo_Unknown_Common.lo] Error 1
make [2] Leaving directory `/home/monkey/tmp/bonobo/bonobo-activation`
make [1] *** [All recusive] Error 1
make [1] Leaving `/home/monkey/tmp/bonobo`
make *** [All recusive] Error 2

I dont know whats happening, if some light could be shed I would be grateful.
Many Thanks

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