Waiting on gnome_execute_async

In the following code, child-process termination is not detected by the waitpid() function. The program never gets beyond the waitpid() function. Is there a way to fix this? I want to use gnome_execute_async(), rather than execvp(), because a graphics window partially covered by a dialog box will get updated before gnome_execute_async() executes, but not if I use execvp() instead. The gnome_execute_async() function is being used to save the graphics window as a postscript file using the ImageMagick import command.

gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
pid = fork();
switch (pid)
  case -1:
     perror ("fork failed");
     exit (1);
  case 0:
     char *argv[] = { ... };
     argc = sizeof(argv)/sizeof(char *);
     gnome_execute_async (NULL, argc, argv);

if (pid != 0)
  waitpid(0, NULL, 0);


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