2007-August Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[team-gnome-gr] Τοπικοποίηση σε εικόνες τεκμηρίωσης (απαιτεί γνώσεις GIMP),
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] gnome 2 user guide figures -- μ έρος 2ο,
Dimitrios Typaldos
[team-gnome-gr] gnome 2 user guide figures,
Dimitrios Typaldos
[team-gnome-gr] gnome user guide,
Dimitrios Typaldos
[team-gnome-gr] 10 χρόνια GNOME,
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] Πλανήτης GNOME GR - planet.gnome.gr,
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] τοποθεσίες φακέλων κάποι ων εργαλείων,
Dimitrios Typaldos
[team-gnome-gr] Σχόλια για gnome-d oc-utils,
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] Τεκμηρίωση online,
Nikos Charonitakis
[team-gnome-gr] Κανάλι IRC #gnome-el (Δίκτυο Freenode),
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] Banshee Music Player,
Pambos P...
[team-gnome-gr] Μετάφραση Phonemgr,
Pambos P...
[team-gnome-gr] YAVG ( Yet Another Volunteer for Gnome),
Pambos P...
[team-gnome-gr] Evolution user guide έτοι μος προς μετάφραση,
Nikos Charonitakis
[team-gnome-gr] Notes στο dokuwiki,
Nikos Charonitakis
[team-gnome-gr] Τι βάζουμε στο msgid "translator_credits"; (Ήταν: Re: Gnometris Manual - Mines Manual),
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] μετάφραση GNOME 2 User G uide,
Dimitrios Typaldos
[team-gnome-gr] Keyboard Indicator, GPL, FDL, κτλ (Was: Re: [I18NGR] Μετάφρασ η του GNOME 2.20),
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] Fwd: [fedora-trans-el] Με τάφραση του GNOME 2.20,
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] Gnometris Manual - Mines Manual,
Chris Mpountalis
[team-gnome-gr] GNOME Tetravex Manual Μετά φραση,
Chris Mpountalis
[team-gnome-gr] ενημέρωση μετά φρασης GNOME,
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] Χρήση μεταφρασ τικής μνήμης στο GNOME,
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] Nέος Εθελοντής - Gnome Μ ετάφραση,
Chris Mpountalis
Re: [team-gnome-gr] Μετάφραση του G NOME 2.20 (tomboy, diff),
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] Μετάφραση του G NOME 2.20,
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] Μετάφραση του G NOME 2.20 - σχόλια,
Simos Xenitellis
Re: [team-gnome-gr] Synantisi sto Thiseio,
Dimitris Glezos
Mail converted by MHonArc