Re: gnome-list Digest, Vol 86, Issue 5 Item 1

On 06/11/2011 01:54 AM, Sergio de Almeida Lenzi wrote:
Ok, and while gnome 3.X (X > 2) is not available what we (end users)
do??  close the notebook, and come back to windows?? change distribution? (
several days in pain)...

I don't quite understand your point: we have recommended a long list of supported distributions which support your preferred version of GNOME for the upcoming 6 to 18 months (or more). What else are you looking for?

Or maybe we can be more specific: what distribution were you running before trying F15 and why did you upgrade?

Another suggestion as you seem a bit attracted by GNOME 3 (I can sense it ;-) is to run it inside a virtual machine which supports 3D acceleration (virtualbox does). This way you get to use the gnome you like while monitoring the progress on GNOME 3 at the same time.

So what is missing exactly from our responses?



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