[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Transparent proxies

I put a little script at http://www-gris.det.uvigo.es/~miguel/tmp/ that
ip1: if it exists, the value of HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR
ip2: if it exists, the value of HTTP_CLIENT_IP
ip3: if it exists, the value of REMOTE_ADDR

TheBonsai got an invaled value for ip1 (, no value for ip2 and
a correct one for ip3.
manty got two values for ip1 (he sees to transparent proxies), a correct
one for ip2 and the proxy address for ip3.
I get correct values for both ip1 and ip2, and the proxy address for

I suggest looking for ip2 and using it if that exists. If it doesn't
just trust ip3.
In any case, as an additional measure, use tcp connection address for
reouting udp traffic, and just use the cgi ip for the ils directory.

A more elaborate proposal comes from manty:
" check the IPs (as there may be many) in IP1 and get only those that
are public, I mean, filter those that are private out of there." Then
choose the first public one. If there are none, check ip2, and finally

Miguel Rodríguez Pérez <migrax terra es>

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