Re: Porting gdk to curses

> ggi is considerably more than a frame-buffer - it includes
> drawing primitives for things like lines. There is also a 
> simple windowing system that layers on top which ships
> with libggi, IIRC.

yeah, well, this is irrelevant for the discussion at hand.  

I assume GGI is designed to be adapted to any frame buffer device (and
as far as I can tell, it is far smarter to use ggi over a frame buffer
than having gdk do all the work that is already done there). 

> So, I don't think a frame-buffer port of GDK would be
> the the right way to port to ggi.

My point was not that, I did not manage to explain myself.  

My point is that we need some sort of basic/simplistic windowing
system library/server.

Best wishes,

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