Re: GTK1 for Windows and CinePaint

On Tue, 2004-04-06 at 01:13, Robin Rowe wrote:
> Owen and Tor,
> Hi. I just want to let you know that you seem to have been right from the
> start about GTK1 for Windows, that it is simply too much work for me to
> correct the problems there. I did learn a lot from working on it though. I
> am discontinuing my GTK1 for Windows effort so I can devote more time to
> CinePaint. GTK+OSX is expected to keep going because it seems to be nearing
> completion.
> I hope you won't be disappointed that I'm not moving toward GTK2. Upon the
> results of further research into our project's particular needs the new plan
> for CinePaint is to transition to FLTK.

Hi Robin,

Well, I can't say I'm not disappointed about the switch to FLTK, though
it's your project... Care to give some reasoning why you decided to move
to a completely different toolkit, rather than one (GTK2) that is a lot
closer to the current codebase?


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