Re: File name encoding and GTK ABI compatibility on Win32

Mike Hearn writes:
 > On Mon, 2004-12-06 at 01:32 +0000, Tor Lillqvist wrote:
 > > The UNICODE macro directs using wchar_t vs. "normal" char Win32
 > > API. It would be very confusing to use it for some other purpose.

 > Not really. It means "I want my app to use Unicode instead of the system
 > codepage",

Well, the "executive summary" might be stated so. What it actually
*does* is map Win32 function names like SetWindowText to
SetWindowTextW instead of SetWindowTextA. (Ditto for struct names.)
It's up to the application code to then pass wide character strings
(wchar_t *, L"foo") strings to these functions and not normal char

Using RegisterClassW means that the windows of that class will be
"Unicode windows", which receive messages with Unicode characters
(well, UTF-16 codes) and not system codepage ones. I haven't ever
played with creating "Unicode windows", and I don't really know what
messages exactly are affected by a window being "Unicode".


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