Re: Steps to get to GTK+ 3.0

On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, Jean-Yves Lefort wrote:

On Tue, 3 Jun 2008 13:34:13 +0200
Kristian Rietveld <kris imendio com> wrote:

4. We will completely lose all means to simply access fields by just
dereferencing the structure.  Instead, we will start to use GObject
properties to access this data much more often.  Using g_object_[sg]et()
can become a little tedious.  Therefore we should introduce a couple of
convenience accessors for GObject properties such as g_object_get_int(),
*double(), *string(), etc.

Because of the dynamic nature of the GObject property system, this
would also bring a substantial performance overhead,

No, it won't. Simply because the vast majority of widget field accesses
are not time critical. E.g. reading out GTK_LABEL (widget)->text is something
that rarely happens more than once or twice per X event being processed.
So it really doesn't matter whether you use a field access here, a
simple getter function, a dynamic property accessor or a signal emission
to figure the value.

We have only a few cases, where performant field accees is desired, e.g.:
  GtkWidget *toplevel = widget;
  while (toplevel->parent)
    toplevel = toplevel->parent;
For such cases, where additional overhead could actually show up in the
profiles, we are providing helper functions, see gtk_widget_get_toplevel().

Note that I don't propose to abandon the dynamic access functionality,
which is certainly useful and desirable in a number of specific
situations. I simply point out that the performance penalty of dynamic
access is unjustified for static use.

Note that most often you can use very simple and fast getter functions
instead of the dynamic proeprty interface:
	gtk_label_get_text (GtkLabel *label)
	  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_LABEL (label), NULL);
	  return label->text;

Other than that, I'd have to see reproducable performance profiles for
things claimed to be "unjustifyably" slow, to consider changes/fixes.

Jean-Yves Lefort <jylefort brutele be>


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