Re: Steps to get to GTK+ 3.0

2008/6/3 Alberto Ruiz <aruiz gnome org>:
> 2008/6/3 BJörn Lindqvist <bjourne gmail com>:
>> Here is an overview:
>> Merely the
>> initialization inside the for loop feature is a huge improvement. But
>> I never understood why someone needs to build the latest and greatest
>> GTK+ on an ancient compiler. Installing a recent version of gcc isn't
>> that difficult.
> You're assuming GCC/Linux/x86 environments, there are other environments,
> such as embeded devices with optimized compilers for their architecture or
> non Linux operating systems for non x86 architectures where getting latest
> GCC is not as easy.
> As Gtk is targetting to the mobile space, I think keeping support for a
> broader set of compilers/platforms is essential and the gains of C99 for
> code that is already written, tested and working for C89 is not such a gain
> at all.

How broad is that set going to be? A popular alternative in the
embedded world is ARM's RVCT tool-chain, which doesn't even have
pthread support, which is POSIX. So my bet is that it's not currently
used to compile GTK+, nor will be anytime soon.

Let's not block possibilities based on considerations for hypothetical
non-realistic situations. Do you know of any embedded compiler that
can be used to compile GTK+?

Best regards.

Felipe Contreras

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