Re: Steps to get to GTK+ 3.0

2008/6/3 BJörn Lindqvist <bjourne gmail com>:

Here is an overview: Merely the
initialization inside the for loop feature is a huge improvement. But
I never understood why someone needs to build the latest and greatest
GTK+ on an ancient compiler. Installing a recent version of gcc isn't
that difficult.

You're assuming GCC/Linux/x86 environments, there are other environments, such as embeded devices with optimized compilers for their architecture or non Linux operating systems for non x86 architectures where getting latest GCC is not as easy.

As Gtk is targetting to the mobile space, I think keeping support for a broader set of compilers/platforms is essential and the gains of C99 for code that is already written, tested and working for C89 is not such a gain at all.

I hope that this discussion will be moot some time in the near future
anyway, when gcc starts to ship with c99 enabled by default.

Alberto Ruiz

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