Re: Ige-mac-integration: New version with Cocoa interface available.

On May 18, 2010, at 11:54 AM, John Ralls wrote:

> On May 18, 2010, at 11:28 AM, Colin Walters wrote:
>>> The action registry is a potentially useful piece of infrastructure, but it doesn't really go far enough to insulate the application developer from having to learn more than she wants to about each platform that she's targeting. She'll still have to have large sections of ifdef'd code catching the various signals from each operating system and invoking the actions, which will then emit signals that she'll have to connect to with her callbacks.
>> Can you give an example here?  Catching what signals?
> It's up to the application's code to connect to the signal and do whatever it needs to do in the callback. I could use a GApplicationAction instead of explicitly creating and emitting the signal. If this wasn't the use-case you're thinking of, what is?

I just looked again at the GnomeLive GTK+/ApplicationClass page, and it occurs to me that you are perhaps limiting your thinking to dbus:

"Since every application is exposed on the session bus (or the user bus, if D-Bus ever supports it) it is possible to expose remote methods for controlling the application. Each method is mapped to a GApplicationAction"

Not every application is exposed to dbus, and different platforms have different ways of implementing inter-application and OS-application communications. Application developers need to integrate their applications into each platform's communications, or the app will feel "foreign" to the users -- and that means fewer users.

(It would be useful to have a (g)dbus-quartz that uses OSX's facilities instead of dbus-daemon, for example; that would allow the Gtk application to participate more in the OSX ecosystem. The same is probably also true for MSWin. But that's a separate discussion.)

John Ralls

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