Re: Bug in get_preferred_height_for_width() [was Re: Minimum height for minimum width]

On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 11:32 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I get what you're saying. If not I'll probably understand it
> reading your code.
> btw things are looking kind of messed up to me in the current code in
> gtkwidget.c ... this:
>       gtk_widget_get_preferred_width (widget, NULL, &natural_width);
>       get_span_inside_border_horizontal (widget,
> 					 aux_info,
> 					 allocation->width,
> 					 natural_width,
> 					 &x, &w);
> so natural_width has the margins in it, right? But it's centered
> without removing those margins first. The code up in
> get_span_inside_border() removes margins from allocation->width but
> not natural_width.
> It seems like we need to remove the margins to get
> adjusted_natural_width. And then say in GtkContainer, we need that
> adjusted_natural_width and we remove border_width from it, and then we
> pass the twice-adjusted natural width with both margins and border
> width and alignment-added-padding stripped down to the actual subclass
> like GtkButton.
> Without trying to code it and see if it works, it could look like:
> (* adjust_size_allocation) (GtkWidget *widget,
>                                        GtkOrientation orientation,
>                                        gint           *for_size_opposite,
>                                        gint           *natural_size,
>                                        gint           *offset,
>                                        gint           *adjusted_size);
> where all four numbers are changing as we're chaining Widget->Container->Button
> Might be nicer to do struct GtkAllocatedSize { int for_size_opposite;
> int natural_size; int offset; int adjusted_size }  ?

Ok my brain is about to explode trying to figure out the right
implementation for this, lets look in detail to the requirements.

>From what I understand, come time to adjust the size for allocation
GtkWidget needs to do the following steps (for simplicity, lets assume

  - Strip any padding added by itself and any subclasses from the 
    allocation->width (this produces a 'stripped_allocated_width')

  - If halign != FILL, it needs to limit the width to the real natural
    size, this in itself involves:

      a.) calling gtk_widget_get_preferred_width()

      b.) stripping any padding from the returned natural width
	  (producing a 'stripped_natural_width')

      c.) interior width available for alignments becomes
          MIN (stripped_allocation_width, stripped_natural_width)

  - Now that we have the proper width for interior allocation; go ahead
    and strip any padding added to the allocation->height, i.e. get
    a 'stripped_allocated_height'.

  - If valign != FILL, we need to further limit the height to the
    proper natural height for width, the fun continues:

      a.) We need to *re-add* any required padding to the concluded
          interior allocation width, presumably by calling
          ->adjust_size_request() on our _final_ width which was
	  concluded by the previous steps.

      b.) We need to use this new adjusted width to obtain the natural
          height and do that by calling

      c.) Now we need to strip the added padding from the returned
          natural height (getting us a usable

      d.) The interior height available for alignment/allocation
          now becomes:
          MIN (stripped_allocated_height, stripped_natural_height)

  - Now we have a proper width and height we can go on to align
    the interior allocation inside the padded space in both

Of course furthermore, gtk_widget_get_height_for_width needs to be
amended to adjust the for_width by:

  - Stripping any extra padding added by ->adjust_size_request from
    the for_width.

  - If halign != FILL then it needs to:

    a.) gtk_widget_get_preferred_width() to obtain the natural width
    b.) strip any padding previously added to the natural width
    c.) 'for_width' then becomes
        MIN (stripped_for_width, stripped_natural_width);

  - Call the class vfunc ->height_for_width() using the adjusted

That's the big picture of "what needs to happen", however it's still
not mapped to any proper API... I've been tentatively writing some
pseudo code that should do it but I keep getting stuck somewhere.

Maybe splitting the adjust_size_allocation() and align_size_allocation()
makes sense, but I get the feeling that adding apis here is creating
a mess factor we dont want to deal with in the long run (and admittedly
I still dont have a clear picture of how it can all work).

There's also another alternative, all of this alignment/padding code
so far belongs to GtkWidget (and marginally GtkContainer), so does all
of the size-requesting logic... so we could go the direction of:

  - remove vfuncs ->adjust_size_allocation/->adjust_size_request

  - remove gtk_container_class_handle_border_width() and make it
    the default behaviour (by having GtkWidgetClass consider
    the container border width implicitly, all the time, or keep it
    as a flag for backwards compatability and still have GtkWidgetClass
    consider it implicitly if the flag is set).

  - Just "do the right thing" according to the steps above without
    the hassle of creating some API that will work when subclasses
    play heavily into size adjusting/aligning...

What are people's thoughts ?

> Sorry I got this wrong in my original patch :-/
> Havoc

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