Re: [gtkmm] gtkmm 2.4 questions

Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> writes:

> On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 15:14 +0200, Frank Naumann wrote:
>> Also after compiling and installing gtkmm I found some classG*.html files 
>> from the gtkmm distribution documentation in the parent directory of the 
>> gtkmm build directory.
> Yes, I am trying to fix.

In case you are unaware: this is due to a change in GNU tar, which now
creates a UNIX v7 archive which cannot represent long paths since the
meaning of -o changed.  I got this with long doxygen filenames.

has more information.  My patch on the page fixes this by creating
POSIX tarfiles, at the expense of not being able to read those files
in older tar versions (including IIRC the current stable version...).
The next version of automake will fix the problem more portably, I


Roger Leigh

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