Re: A GNOME Bindings release set?

On 25/11/2003 4:47 PM, Murray Cumming Comneon com wrote:

I believe this issue is actually very painful for gnome libs themselves, so let's not make it more painful.

It has been done intentionally for GNOME itself, more now than in the past,
in order to allow moduarity - to allow bugfix releases of small parts
without bundling the new bugs of other parts, and to allow people.
I am not sure that the reasons for splitting the Gnome platform libraries into smaller tarballs all apply here. From my memory, the main reason was that we had separate maintainers for different parts of gnome-libs, so coordination between maintainers was required whenever a gnome-libs tarball was going to be created. This would cause problems if there was any half finished work in any of the libraries at the time of the release.

In the case of most of the bindings, the tarballs are already split along maintainer boundaries -- for most bindings, there is one person resposible for the libgnome, libgnomeui, libbonobo, and libbonoboui bindings. In the case of the Python bindings, there are a number of other tarballs that build on top of the stuff I release, maintained by other people.

I do agree that some separation is a good idea (eg. pygtk is separate from gnome-python, and has been ported to Windows while gnome-python hasn't), but not necessarily to the granularity that the Gnome platform libraries have been.

Unless you have some better reasons, could we leave this requirement out? It would be a shame if the bindings release set can't be done because of something like this.


Email: james daa com au

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