[Nautilus-list] Proposed Open with menu change


I was looking at the Nautilus source code as a newbie looking for some
changes I could make as a way to familiarise myself for the code.

I ended up in in fm-directory-view where I noticed that the Open with
menu is only enabled when exactly one file is selected. Is there a
reason why, when multiple files are selected, not the selected files'
common open actions aren't displayed in it?

If not, I'd like to try to change this behaviour.

One question I have though is what to do with the "An application..."
and "A viewer..." menu option. Since they are modal dialogs I can't just
open X boxes for the different files. Also, when the user only wants to
go to the control center to edit the application list for a certain file
type, it would not be desirable to open the dialog for every single
file. If I were to make this change, should I just disable these two
menu options?

Thanks in advance.


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