Re: Doubleclick feedback on desktop and document app launch

> I listed some apps as startup_notify=true in the application-info file
> in my home dir and it works very well.  Thanks!!
> The only thing that it does not appear to do is offer feedback on folder
> or other nautilus items like the trash icon from the desktop.  I have a
> laptop with only 128MB of memory for example so it takes a bit of time
> to launch into the folders or other nautilus icons.  If you click on a
> folder or something like that in a current nautilus window the spinner
> starts so you know that you doubleclicked.  However, from the folder you
> have no spinner and get no feedback.  Is there a current way to get
> launch feedback on these items or is it even needed?
> Just asking for developers opinion before I enter a feature request.

I don't think there is. It would be cool if the icon you double-clicked
flashed briefly, like 2 or 3 times, so you know you double-clicked it.

- Frank

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