Re: Icons during dragging (should have text part IMHO)

On Fri, 23 Apr 2004 10:31:46 -0400
Todd Kulesza <todd dropline net> wrote:


> I agree that a progress indicator of some type should be
> super-imposed on the icon.  Perhaps instead of a bar over the icon,
> it could be a circular widget added as a file-emblem?  This would
> prevent the indicator from completely obscuring the icon, while
> still being in a place users expect to see "extra" file-related
> emblems pop-up.  The circle could start empty and gradually shade
> itself in clockwise as the file operation progresses.  Just a
> thought,

maybe we can do both and make it configurable for the user via gconf.
For the status-bar I want to show you a small project, named gnotify.
I is a framework for notifying and I think it could be used with a
little changing.
See yourself:

Lars Strojny
P.S.: I will "implement" a few ideas with gimp.
"The existing liberties and the existing gratifications
 are tied to the requirements of repression: 
 they themselves become instruments of repression"
         - Herbert Marcuse -
name: Lars Strojny         web: 
street: Yorckstrasse 22    jabber: sinistra amessage de
city: D-71636 Ludwigsburg  mail: lars strojny net
f-print: 6663 1055 543E 3106 3FD3  4F40 AC74 CD1F C327 14BD

"Ein unsichtbarer Bogen spannt sich hinüber zu den eingestanden
 repressiven Staatsmaschinerien, denn ob der Gedanke von einem 
 für Ideologie verantwortlichen Gremium vorgeschrieben wird 
 oder vom Marktgesetz, macht kaum einen Unterschied aus"
           - Jean Amery -
name: Lars Strojny         web: 
street: Yorckstrasse 22    jabber: sinistra amessage de
city: D-71636 Ludwigsburg  mail: lars strojny net
f-print: 6663 1055 543E 3106 3FD3  4F40 AC74 CD1F C327 14BD

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