Re: Better name for computer:// place?

Tomasz Sterna a écrit :
> Dnia 2008-02-07, Cz o godzinie 19:21 +0100, Milan pisze:
>> But as a general rule, calling any item "Computer" on a computer
>> desktop
>> is something silly
> I don't understand your reasoning really.
> Please look around you.
> I guess you are sitting at the desk, which has a desk-top on which
> stands a... computer?
> If you think what is inside the computer, you will come to the
> conclusion that there are disks inside... and some network
> connectivity... and a pendrive attached... oh, there's also an optical
> disk drive in your computer...
There's also every piece of hardware listed in hal-device-manager, even
sound devices whose volume you could set, a GPU and a screen that can be
configured and on which you can see icons you may want to customize...
What's the point here? What I was laying stress on is that computer *is*
your Desktop, and that computer:// only is a list of disks and remote
folders you can browse.
> This is a natural extension to the desktop metafor to have computer,
> documents or even folders and trashcan on the desktop (although I keep
> my trashcan ON the desktop only when looking for trashed documents ;-)
I have no problem with this metaphor, it is right: it's the place were
you have everything accessible immediately, and easy to see. This has
nothing to do with the computer metaphor.
> It may be worth considering whether today users think that they have
> "documents" inside their computer rather than "disks"... But they are
> still inside the computer://
I can understand that people think in terms of Documents today - my
proposals may not be the right. But "computer" is not the thing people
think to when they look for they documents on removable drives or remote

So far I can't see any constructive answer. Others just look like jokes.
Does anyone understands my stand here?


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