Re: [patch] confirm before sending to trash

Le mercredi 16 mars 2011 à 11:21 +0000, Giorgio F. Gilestro a écrit : 
> What drives me mad about this attitude is that hundreds of people would
> be more than happy to have a confirmation dialog. But nope! Someone
> always know better than them what is good and bad. 

Everyone on this list has agreed that this is a real problem that needs
addressing. Several solutions that would please nautilus developers have
been proposed, so you just need to implement one of them.

> By the way, this is
> the reason why the patch gives the option to enable/disable that dialog
> on the first place. I erroneously thought: "people who want the dialog
> will enable it and be happy, people who don't will leave it alone and
> keep discussing about what is the really truly best solution for the
> next 7 years".

In my personal use of file browsers, I’m happy with neither of the two
behaviors. I would not be happier with a setting to choose between them.

: :' :     “You would need to ask a lawyer if you don't know
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  `-        --  J???rg Schilling

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