Re: [orca-list] Punctuation, capital letters, exchange of characters and strings, generally error in the design of Orca

"WW" == Willie Walker <William Walker Sun COM> writes:
    WW> While not perfect, the current solution provides emulation for
    WW> missing TTS features in a very expedient and controllable means
    WW> to give users what they want *today*.


    WW> What I didn't expect was inflexible opposition from Brailcom to
    WW> the practical solutions provided by Orca, such as the notion of
    WW> the user specifying pronunciation definitions at a higher level.
    WW> Until the unsophisticated user has a convenient mechanism for
    WW> doing things such as tweaking pronunciations, Orca is going to
    WW> provide a means to do this.  Until verbalized punctuation is
    WW> guaranteed to be supported by the lower layers, Orca is going to
    WW> provide a means to emulate this.  As the Orca project lead, this
    WW> is my decision, and it is based upon user requirements.  I hear
    WW> Brailcom loud and clear - you don't like this.  Please, let's
    WW> agree to disagree 

We tried to explain how things should be done in our opinion, to prevent
"temporary" solutions that are likely to consume resources now and to
survive for long time and which may cause damages to accessibility
development in the future.  Certainly it's your responsibility to
evaluate the current needs and future risks and make the Orca decisions.
We need inputs for our decisions too so clarifying things is anyway very
useful and important, whether we agree or disagree.  Your opinions and
decisions matter!

I can't comment on completeness and stability of current Speech
Dispatcher bindings in Orca; Tomáš could probably tell much to it but he
is away for this month.

As for the management questions, I assume they can be better answered by
Mr. Buchal.

    WW> can others outside Brailcom contribute patches/enhancements to
    WW> SpeechDispatcher)?

Of course.  They do.


Milan Zamazal

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