Re: [orca-list] Punctuation, capital letters, exchange of characters and strings, generally error in the design of Orca

Hash: RIPEMD160

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 10:27:39AM -0400, Willie Walker wrote:
So...I have a dilemma.  The imperfect gnome-speech-based solution in 
Orca exists and generally works.  The emergence of PulseAudio is also 
helping to address one of the major issues (audio device contention). 
While not perfect, the current solution provides emulation for missing 
TTS features in a very expedient and controllable means to give users 
what they want *today*.  We can also quickly make adjustments to 
gnome-speech to provide support for features enabled by the speech 
engine (e.g., verbalized punctuation, capitalization, etc.) and we can 
quickly adjust Orca to pass things on to the speech engine rather than 
emulate them at the Orca layer.  In addition, all of this is 
encapsulated in GNOME, making it easy to manage from the release and 
packaging standpoints.
If that be the case, then it sounds like gnome-speech would be the
most appropriate speech engine to use.  Well then, I do have a
possible bug to report.  At least on my system, it breaks up a lot.
It's worst when other disk activity is going on.  I do not get this
with speech dispatcher.  At the present time given differences in how
punctuation and capitalization are handled, I believe gnome-speech
better meets my needs.  I don't know if it has to do with buffer sizes
or not but the crackling or breaking up of speech is the main thing
keeping me away from using gnome-speech all the time.

Also, Cepstral swift seems to work better under gnome-speech than with
speech dispatcher.  So there's the differences and challenges in
choosing the optimum solution.

I think gnome-speech could be lots better if it could be configured by
a user like speech dispatcher such things as specific parameters for
particular synthesizers.
- -- 
HolmesGrown Solutions
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