2013-August Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[orca-list] FCC Releases a Software Development Kit for the Accessibility Clearinghouse,
Janina Sajka
[orca-list] odd speech problem.,
Clinton Waterbury
[orca-list] Espeak low fidelity on Linux?,
Daniel Barich
[orca-list] libreoffice 4.0,
sunny p o
[orca-list] eyes-free ChromeVox installation just got easier for Arch Linux users,
[orca-list] Dropbox Inaccessible!,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] Status Bar in Gedit,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] LibreOffice: graphics in writer files,
Andy B.
[orca-list] Gnome 3.8 classic mode and orca,
Andy B.
[orca-list] speak clipboard content,
[orca-list] say all command,
[orca-list] Calc - Changing between sheets,
luciano de souza
[orca-list] remastersys is dead?,
Andy B.
[orca-list] problems using gedit when in sudo mode,
José Vilmar Estácio de Souza
[orca-list] startup disk creater,
Andy B.
[orca-list] "Quit screen reader" is now an unbound command,
Joanmarie Diggs
[orca-list] LibreOffice: graphics/images,
Andy B.
[orca-list] orca does not speak child position,
[orca-list] Orca issue with ubuntu 13.4, big bug, please read,
austinAustin quesada
[orca-list] Firefox and Lastpass Plug-in,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] Column Headers in Libreoffice Calc,
Steve Holmes
Re: [orca-list] gtkfilechooser,
[orca-list] Search/find text in Firefox/ Web (Epiphany)/Libreoffice with orca,
[orca-list] Ubuntu: Orca fails to start when live CD starts?,
Andy B.
[orca-list] What is Wrong with Libreoffice?!,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] Keyboard Shortcuts,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] Speech-Dispatcher 0.8.3 -- What happened to spd-say?,
Janina Sajka
[orca-list] sonic with espeak,
[orca-list] skype using it,
[orca-list] tried knoppix, failed to achieve my goal,
[orca-list] ot: skype4 pidgin updated,
Vojtěch Polášek
[orca-list] Speech-Dispatcher 0.8-3 available in Fedora testing,
Janina Sajka
[orca-list] is knoppix accessible?,
hadi remonion
[orca-list] LibreOffice: page headers/footers,
Andy B.
[orca-list] repetition in Libre Officew,
Rusty Perez
[orca-list] Weezy: accessibility of gnome-fallback,
Andy B.
[orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Alex Midence
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Thomas Ward
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Alex Midence
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Alex Midence
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Halim Sahin
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Halim Sahin
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Halim Sahin
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Halim Sahin
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Alex Midence
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Christopher Chaltain
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Alex Midence
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Christopher Chaltain
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Luke Yelavich
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Alex Midence
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Christopher Chaltain
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Alex Midence
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Christopher Chaltain
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Halim Sahin
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Alex Midence
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Luke Yelavich
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Rob Whyte
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Albert Sten-Clanton
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Janina Sajka
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Alex Midence
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
D. A. H.
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Alex Midence
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Janina Sajka
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Alex Midence
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
'Janina Sajka'
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Alex Midence
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
Alex Midence
- Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability,
D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
[orca-list] Thunderbird and Calc crashes on Ubuntu 13.04,
luciano de souza
[orca-list] Please pardon the cross-post just this once.,
[orca-list] Speech Problems in Gnome Terminal and Console,
[orca-list] Speech output in gnome terminal is problematic (fwd),
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] Server versions of linux,
Andy B.
[orca-list] LibreOffice,
Andy B.
Re: [orca-list] orca does not recognize eclipse 4.3,
Peter Vágner
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