Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] audiocd view in (net)rhythmbox

On Fri, 2003-05-09 at 23:48, Colin Walters wrote:
> > Put search in bottom corner is unusual, but do you know the Fitt's law? 
> > 
> >         "The time to acquire a target is a function of the distance to
> >         and size of the target."
> > 
> > According to Fitt's Law, targets placed along the edges of the screen
> > are inherintly 'larger targets' because it's impossible to scroll beyond
> > the edge of a screen. Therefore targets should be placed along the edges
> > of the screen (Corners are even better, and directly under the mouse is
> > best).
> Now, I don't claim to be a usability expert, but it seems to me that
> Fitt's law doesn't apply here, because the search entry will only be
> near the edge of the screen if you run rhythmbox maximized, and you
> don't have a bottom panel.  That seems like a fairly uncommon case
> (although I am sure there are some out there).

Actually the only case where this matters is when the element directly
touches the screen borders, so it doesn't apply at all here even when
maximized. Having the search at the top would certainly be more
efficient (according to Fitt's law :-)) because it's nearer to the other
controls where users will usually keep their mouse (not always the case
of course). Additionally it's more convenient to move the mouse to the
top right than to the bottom right (for right-handers).
Of course you could always argue weither you will search so often that
this really matters, but FWIW I would also vote for placing the search
at the top.


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