Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] suggestions for development.

On Tue, 2004-07-13 at 14:36 +0200, Benjamin Otte wrote:
> And we all know that the correct way to fix this is to set the artist tag
> in the music file to "Beatles, The" anyway.

I don't agree there. The only place where I would like the article
ignored is during sorting. I would like to be displayed: 
  "The Beatles - The White Album" 
instead of 
  "Beatles, The - White Album, The".

In Dutch for example last names can have "middle names". In my case, my
last name is "van Noort" and my name is always written (in the
Netherlands as) "van Noort", but you have to look up my name in the
phonebook under the letter "N".

The best solution I can think of, since a lot of people have multi-
langual songs, is that if you click on an artist or title name, the menu
item would include a menu "sort on", and that this menu would incase of
"The White Album" contain the entries:
  <bold>T</bold>he White Album
  <grey>The</grey> <bold>W</bold>hite Album
  <grey>The White</grey> <bold>A</bold>lbum

In the future rhythmbox database this could be implemented in an extra
database table containing columns "title" and "sorttitle" which would be
joined with the main table. In the current flat xml-implementation this
is harder, especially if you add a new song. It probably has to be
looked up whether there is already a song with the same title and a
sort-title, and this sort-title should be added as an extra <sorttitle>
to the new song.

The best would be of course on a consensus among tag-oriented programs
to implement new tags for these kind of things like articles and rating.


Noort, van, Sander
a.k.a. Sander van Noort

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