Re: Proposal: gnome-user-share

On Tue, 2004-11-30 at 15:39 +0000, Alan Cox wrote:
> On Maw, 2004-11-30 at 15:41, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> > port which is then published using mDNS. The webdav server just
> > exports the ~/Public folder. This means it will show up in the network
> > location in Nautilus, or in any mDNS browser that looks 
> > for webdav servers.
> > The server is started when you enable file sharing in the file sharing
> > properties dialog, or when you log in and file sharing is enabled.
> I'm opposed to it unless it's "zero configuration" includes setting the
> name of that single directory. Without that it can't be
> internationalised properly. I don't care if the path is hardcoded but
> translatable or the path is proposed in the simple on/off dialog. 

This is an issue outside of the inclusion of gnome-user-share. We
already have several folders of this type, such as "Templates", and
"Desktop". Everyone involved in this thinks that the right way to i18n
these is to keep the english name on-disk and then rename it in the user
interface. This could be done with something like .directory files, or
in some other way (.directory files have some weaknesses). This has been
planned for quite some time, but has never quite gotten to the top of
the priority queue.

Doing it this way makes it easy for e.g. simple scripts to easily work
in a i18n environment, and makes sure you never get the (common on
windows) situation of having both a local name for the folder and the
English one (because some app didn't use the right API).

> > This really has to be in the desktop module, because it needs some
> > integration with gnome-session to autostart the filesharing daemon
> > when you log in. Perhaps we could call it an optional part of the
> > desktop?
> Does it require apache to build and to start the tools ?
> Can it be shipped so that if no supported DAV server (ie apache for now)
> is found it doesn't start up and trying to activate it produces a dialog
> explains that apache is not available ? (which I'm sure vendors can/will
> one day extend
> to include "Shall I install it")

Apache is not required to build. 

To keep memory use down the user daemon doesn't actually link to gtk+,
but the properties dialog could show the warning.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a maverick flyboy photographer with nothing left to lose. She's a plucky 
communist schoolgirl from a different time and place. They fight crime! 

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