Re: Polypaudio for Gnome 2.10, the next steps

<quote who="Colin Walters">

> On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 18:55 -0500, Colin Walters wrote:
> > [...] If they're using polypaudio, then the polypaudio daemon will be
> > holding the sound device, so to start their app they'll have to hunt
> > down every other possible user and close it.
> (And terminate the Polypaudio daemon...then restart it when they close the
> app...)

Better: A polypaudio module to manage a JACK connection, instead of using
the ALSA device directly.

- Jeff

-- 2005: Canberra, Australia      
  "If you want to start a debate on a subject, however, all that seems to
     be necessary is to involve perennial target Richard Gooch." - LWN

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