Re: Polypaudio action plan


Quoting Colin Walters <walters verbum org>:
> 5) Give a link in the release notes to Polypaudio and/or esound for
>    systems in need of a sound daemon

I know this isn't really the concern of GNOME, but there's one point I'm
wondering about.

If we replace esound with polypaudio, then everywhere that GNOME 2.10 is
installed, we will be guaranteed that polypaudio is also installed and people
won't have to go hunting for a polypaudio for the distro (or compiling it from
source) - distros will take care of that in the GNOME 2.10 metapackage.

If we merely deprecate esound (while still including it for backwards
compatibility) and reccommend polypaudio in the release notes, then there's no
guarantee that distros will ship polypaudio (which is better than esound, by
concensus), and many users will be stuck with the crappy but well-tested esound
back-end for gstreamer and gnome. At least, that seems to me like a good

So - in this plan of attack, what guarantee do I have that polypaudio will be
available everywhere GNOME 2.10 is?


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
bolsh gimp org

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