Re: Requiring DOAP instead of MAINTAINERS file

Am Freitag, den 18.01.2008, 17:42 +0100 schrieb Patryk Zawadzki:
> On Jan 18, 2008 5:21 PM, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
> > On Fri, 2008-01-18 at 13:17 +0100, Patryk Zawadzki wrote:
> > > I mean proper RDBMS. Once you get that in place you can generate
> > > DOAP/RDF/XML/whatever on the fly with little to no effort.
> > That's a nice idea. But it's easier for our developers to enter
> > information into a file in svn than into a RDBMS. Even if there was a
> > wonderful web interface, having it in svn makes it more likely that each
> > svn module has up-to-date information. These are our habits and it's
> > hard to change them.
> Then use some easier to edit format (I don't really know, yaml?) and
> do the parsing and generating behind the scenes. Kind of like GNOME
> library works on its own, you just keep releasing. While DOAP is
> certainly useful for computers, writing it by hand is as intuitive as
> calling XMLRPC services using wget :)

A simple key-value text format that gets transformed into DOAP would be
ok for me.

Mathias Hasselmann <mathias hasselmann gmx de>
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