Re: fast-forward only policy

Le mercredi 06 mai 2009, à 01:24 +0300, Felipe Contreras a écrit :
> On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org> wrote:
> > No. It points to the latest code in the 2.24 branch. There might be code
> > after the release. It's a branch, it's not a tag. So, maybe I don't
> > understand what you're saying because I misunderstand git?
> I'm talking about that specific branch in that specific repo:
> gnome-2-24 -> GEDIT_2_24_3 -> 8372af3
> On the other hand 'gnome-2-0' is not pointing to any release, there
> where commits after the last release. So my question here is: who
> would care about those commits? They were done 6 years ago and nobody
> made a tag that contains them. The arguments I've heard apply to the
> stable releases (GEDIT_2_0_5), if somebody wants to create a GNOME 2.0
> build, or make GEDIT_2_0_6 release, they'll probably go for the latest
> code that was actually released and used.

Some distributions might have shipped those patches. The fact that they
are in the vcs made it easy to share with other distributions who might
have needed it. Even if there was no release with those changes.

Or maybe the maintainer really intended to do a release and found out it
wasn't really needed in the end.


> Now, let's suppose GTK+ is a truly independent project, and their
> independent repo (non-gnome) is in Just like you can
> create arbitrary branches in your local repo, you can do the same in
> So what I'm trying to say is: even if GTK+ is an independent project,
> GNOME maintainers can still add their own branches in their own repos.
> After all you are prefixing the branches with 'gnome-' so it should
> not conflict with GTK+ branches. Right?

I guess I'm lost here, since this seems to be another topic (or maybe
you're getting back to the original topic in the thread). Sure,
maintainers are free to push any branches they want.


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