2013-July Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Evolution] Plain text issue,
Ralf Mardorf
[Evolution] OT: Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Ralf Mardorf
[Evolution] How would you feel about annual instead of semi-annual releases?,
Matthew Barnes
[Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
M. Claude Jault
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Eduardo Jauch
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Eduardo Jauch
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Adam Tauno Williams
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Eduardo Jauch
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Pete Biggs
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Tom Davies
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Tom Davies
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Tom Davies
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Message not available
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Pete Biggs
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Tom Davies
- [Evolution] OT: Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Pete Biggs
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Adam Tauno Williams
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Ralf Mardorf
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution on 64 bits Linux system,
Ralf Mardorf
Re: [Evolution] OT: Warning message about HTML,
[Evolution] evolution-alarm-notify:744 Permission denied. dconf will not work properly.,
Ralf Mardorf
[Evolution] Evolution 2.28.3-30 CentOS 6.4 cannot add notes to Contacts,
Patricia Holm
[Evolution] Warning message about HTML,
[Evolution] Moving folders,
Brewster Gillett
[Evolution] Evolution not synchronized to server after crash,
Tim Wescott
[Evolution] Changing the default browser for embedded URLs,
Patrick O'Callaghan
[Evolution] Can't setup evo for new user,
Bart Steanes
[Evolution] Minor annoyance with scroll wheel,
Patrick O'Callaghan
[Evolution] Stop,
James Downs
[Evolution] Evolution becomes unresponsive,
Ralf Mardorf
[Evolution] Evo settings are not preserved across sessions,
Patrick O'Callaghan
[Evolution] Auto bcc,
Angelo Gaverini
[Evolution] Replying to spam,
Ralf Mardorf
Aldous Huxley
Re: [Evolution] infinitive wait for network events,
[Evolution] My evolution has gone crazy,
Aaron Konstam
[Evolution] show password option,
satya koteswar rao
Re: [Evolution] Install Problem,
Andre Klapper
[Evolution] delete account,
[Evolution] Evolution and multiple identites,
[Evolution] Evolution with GOA: offline issue,
Re: [Evolution] evolution-list Digest, Vol 96, Issue 5,
Luis Filipe Costa Caldeira
[Evolution] Evolution EWS,
Luis Filipe Costa Caldeira
Re: [Evolution] lost calendar,
Eric Lemétayer
Re: [Evolution] Tagging emails as important automatically,
Thomas Mittelstaedt
[Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account),
Pascal Hasko Bernhard
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account),
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account),
Andre Klapper
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account),
Pascal Hasko Bernhard
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account),
Mark Filipak
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account),
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account),
Pascal Hasko Bernhard
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account),
Pete Biggs
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account),
Pascal Hasko Bernhard
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account),
Pascal Hasko Bernhard
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account),
Pete Biggs
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account),
Adam Tauno Williams
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account),
Pascal Hasko Bernhard
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account),
Pascal Hasko Bernhard
- Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account),
Milan Crha
Re: [Evolution] MS Server 2008,
Bart Steanes
Re: [Evolution] Evo just downloaded all my mail again,
Milan Crha
Mail converted by MHonArc