Re: Some general facts about panel and gnome

On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 12:49:39PM -0500, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> It doesn't do this, it sounds like a pretty good idea.
> One problem with the whole recently-used-files thing is that 
> we don't assume the user uses GNOME from only one machine, so there
> are multiple file namespaces. I'm not sure what to do about that at
> all, I think we have to just ignore the problem for now. Or maybe
> stick the host name in the recently-used entry.

Well with vfs, this should take care of itself really.

I don't think the recently-used-files needs to be perfect.  It's better if
it's simple and if it works exactly as advertized.

I mean if it doesn't show a file you opened when logged in from remote, or if
it can't open a file on a cdrom if that cdrom isn't there with a "File not
found".  Oh well, that's not a huge problem.  I think the user will figure
out what's going wrong.  (It could perhaps do a strstr(path,"cdrom") and if
so say "Perhaps you forgot to insert a CDROM")


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