Re: official support for more scripting languages in gnome needed

Skip Montanaro wrote:

>     Dominic> Keep the core as lean as possible, then let users decide what
>     Dominic> programs they will want to use, then everyone will be happier.
> That, unfortunately, works against the notion of making Linux more widely
> accessible to the unwashed masses.  They will generally want one-click
> installations (oops, did I just violate some Amazon copyright?)...
> Finally, I just popped on over to  It's kinda tough to get
> terribly worried about Linux or Windows installation size when you can buy a
> Seagate Barracuda 20GB Ultra ATA hard drive for $114.95...  That 700Mb
> you're worried about only takes up 3% of such a disk.

But it really toasts the 48MB disk-on-chip for embedded systems . . .

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