2001-December Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Re: Strings need to be fixed,
R.I.P. Deaddog
Gabber 0.8.6 Release Soon,
Julian Missig
Button captions in File Selection dialog,
Andras Timar
The changing the user-font in Control-Center bug,
Simos Xenitellis
Felicitaci髇 de fiestas navide馻s, de www.mayores21.org,
Mayores XXI
Character set formatics (iso family),
Fatih Demir
致全国农业行业工作者! (全国绿色企业大全),
Dutch Translation evolution,
Vincent van Adrighem
[Fwd: [Bug 15930] Changed - translation appears only half],
Harm Verhagen
Dutch translation (nl),
Vincent van Adrighem
XML files containing translations,
ERDI Gergo
New team for Devanagari [HI_in-UTF-8],
Crismus Bonus
Galeon releases,
Marco Pesenti Gritti
Is there any malayalam translation project,
baiju m
upcoming gdm2 release,
Johana Herrera
Volunteering as a technical writer (fwd),
R.I.P. Deaddog
Keep or remove xchat extra-po ?,
R.I.P. Deaddog
[Fwd: [Gtranslator-devel] GNOME 2.0 port status/please],
Fatih Demir
Firestarter 0.8.x,
Tomas Junnonen
?? euro help !!!,
Today's Network
I'd like to join/subscribe,
The many new Evolution messages,
Christian Rose
Red Carpet 1.2 and translations,
Christian Rose
New GnuCash minor release coming up tomorrow,
Christian Stimming
pan pot generation problem -- or my system 's problem?,
Wang Jian
translations for gnomeradio (http://mfcn.ilo.de/gnomeradio),
Joergen Scheibengruber
Atomix translations,
Stanislav Visnovsky
Re: GNOME CVS: web-devel-2 baddog,
Carlos Perell� Mar韓
Is this list active?,
Crismus Bonus
Silas Justiniano
Hi_IN team,
Crismus Bonus
i18n help: Content negotiation?,
Jeff Waugh
Kjartan Maraas
gnumeric & UTF-8,
CVS changes to Swedish glossary,
Christian Rose
Jaime Anguiano Olarra
Remain problems with status pages,
Carlos Perell� Mar韓
More statictics problems...,
R.I.P. Deaddog
gnome-games statistics,
Christian Rose
pan statistics,
Christian Rose
gfax statistics,
Christian Rose
language codes,
Frederik Fouvry
Bug in po-toys,
Christian Rose
Yasuhiro Yagi
facing a problem in translating gnome to telugu,
kirankumar chava
Mail converted by MHonArc