Re: [OT] Re: Third draft (was Re: defs files)

Havoc Pennington <> writes:

> Which was ridiculous, because Sugar and Gtk-- are clearly not the same
> thing

Which is why I stayed. My first reaction was when Karl told me that
you had released "yet another C++ wrapper", with no further
details. It turned out that you were indeed filling a void, so I
chilled out.

> I'm sorry but there are _tradeoffs_ and one wrapper, library, or
> program can not be all things to all people.

I agree. Although the consequences of having more than one wrapper for
a given language are IMHO bad enough so that you want to look really
hard before providing a new one.

> Then why do you keep complaining about it?????? I do not understand
> the hostility toward GTK+, GNOME, and the C bindings if you know this
> stuff.

A nitpick : while I agree that gtk+ wasn't primarily designed for
language bindings, theoretically gnome should be. Yet the Gnome libs
are much harder to wrap than gtk+ :-).

> Yesterday both you and Karl posted or mailed to me rants about GTK
> and GNOME maintenance.

I can't tell for Karl, but as to me I'm not sure I see what you're
talking about.

> Furthermore, you are complaining about slow response time from
> people maintaining a couple hundred thousand lines of library code,
> rather than several thousand lines.

I think you mean Karl here as I don't recall ever complaining about

> Please try to be productive and helpful!

I did.

On jan. 10 I posted here and on gnome-hackers a mail which subject was
"Making the life of the wrappers maintainers easier".

I got absolutely *zero* feedback.

Thankfully you are now addressing most of the problems I pointed out
in that mail in your new defs file specs.

> I am tired of reading the daily
> GTK-GNOME-maintainers-dont-listen-to-us flame from you and
> Karl.

I keep my Gnome rants to the Gtk-- mailing-list, and they are always
rather tongue in cheek. Besides, they aren't aimed at the lib
maintainers, my pet peeve is elsewhere :-).

> Karl says that some GNOME people have been flaming you guys, [...]

Don't see what he was talking about either. Then again, Karl tends to
exagerate things :-). I suspect you got an earful of his peeves as well.
> I am hoping that meeting you and Karl in Paris will help a lot to get
> everyone feeling better, and I am looking forward to it.

AFAIK Karl is not coming. I am, though, and also looking forward to

> But please, at least file bug reports for changes that you really
> want made; we'll go through the bug reports before we freeze. If you
> don't tell us what to change then it won't happen. And if it doesn't
> happen I do NOT want to hear about it after we freeze the
> library. :-)

I doubt I'll have the time to do that before mid-february, may be I
can try this next week.


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