Re: timeouts in GTK+

Am Freitag, den 30.07.2004, 23:11 +0000 schrieb Matthias Clasen:
> GTK+ contains a considerable number of hardwired timeouts:
> gtkbutton.c           ACTIVATE_TIMEOUT                250
> gtkcalendar.c         CALENDAR_TIMER_DELAY             20 
> gtkcalendar.c         CALENDAR_INITIAL_TIMER_DELAY    200
> gtkcellrenderertext.c popdown timeout                 500
> gtkclist.c            SCROLL_TIME                     100
> gtkcombobox.c         SCROLL_TIME                     100
> gtkdnd.c              ANIM_STEP_TIME                   50
> gtkentry.c            gtk-cursor-blink-time          
> gtkentry.c            COMPLETION_TIMEOUT              300
> gtkexpander.c         animation timeout                50
> gtkiconview.c         scroll timeout                   30
> gtkimage.c            animation delay time
> gtklist.c             SCROLL_TIME                     100
> gtkmenu.c             MENU_SCROLL_TIMEOUT1             50
> gtkmenu.c             MENU_SCROLL_TIMEOUT2             50
> gtkmenu.c             gtk-menu-popdown-delay
> gtkmenuitem.c         gtk-menu-popup-delay
> gtknotebook.c         NOTEBOOK_INIT_SCROLL_DELAY      200
> gtknotebook.c         NOTEBOOK_SCROLL_DELAY           100
> gtkrange.c            SCROLL_INITIAL_DELAY            250
> gtkrange.c            SCROLL_LATER_DELAY              100
> gtkrange.c            UPDATE_DELAY                    300
> gtkspinbutton.c       SPIN_BUTTON_INITIAL_TIMER_DELAY 200
> gtkspinbutton.c       SPIN_BUTTON_TIMER_DELAY          20
> gtktext.c             SCROLL_TIME                     100
> gtktextview.c         gtk-cursor-blink-time          
> gtktextview.c         scroll timeout                   50
> gtktooltips.c         DEFAULT_DELAY                   500
> gtktooltips.c         STICKY_DELAY                      0
> gtktreeview.c         open row timeout                500
> gtktreeview.c         scroll row timeout              150
> gtktreeview.c         expand collapse timeout          50
> gtktreeview.c         search popdown timeout          200
> To make GTK+ more accessible, most of these should be 
> made configurable. These timeouts can be roughly grouped 
> into the following functional groups:
> - repeat functionality
>     (calendar arrows, spinbutton arrows, notebook 
>      scrolling, etc)
> - scrolling 
>     (dnd scrolling in the text view, tree view, icon view,
>      menu scrolling, combo box scrolling)
> - animation
>     (tree node expansion, expander, toolbar animation)
> - miscellaneous other things
> I would propose to add settings for
> - disabling repeat (boolean)
> - repeat speed (float, say from 1 (very slow) - 100 (very fast))
> - scrolling speed (float)
> - disabling animation (boolean)
> - animation speed (float)
> My idea for the speed settings would be to use them as factors for
> the current timeout values, and adjust the range so that we can go
> from something like twice as fast as the current value to say 5 times
> slower. Does that sound reasonable ?
> For many things, we actually have a separate timeout for the initial
> delay before a repeat or scrolling kicks in. Do we need a separate
> setting to modify that ?

We had a somewhat insightful discussion about this in the last gtk team
meeting ( ) 

- Yes, controlling animation, repetition and scrolling is desirable
- Proposal: add settings for repetition on/off, with a range of values for 
  initial delay and repeat rate (analogous to key repeat)


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