Re: Is there a way to help gtkmm for website translation?

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 6:48 PM, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-05-03 at 10:22 +1000, Tao Wang wrote:
> I can't spend time on this personally, and I don't want use to use PHP.
> I'd be happy if the whole (very small) site was based on DocBook XML.
> Then we'd just generate the translated HTML pages in our build and
> upload them.

I'm not familiar with DocBook, so I spent some time on it. Now, I
successfully convert the gtkmm website to DocBook xml, and the
translation is in .po file, I send everything in attachment. Just
execute 'make' will generate everything. You can have a look.

> --
> murrayc murrayc com


Tao Wang

Attachment: gnomemm-website.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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