Re: [Usability]GNOME 2.0 feedback

On Wed, 2002-07-24 at 02:32, Вячеслав Диконов wrote:
> > Message: 8
> > Subject: Re: [Usability]GNOME 2.0 feedback
> > From: Ben FrantzDale <bfrantzdale hmc edu>
> > To: nautilus-list gnome org
> > Date: 23 Jul 2002 11:13:54 -0700
> A detailed problem description was skipped.
> > I'm not sure what you are saying here. What functionality do you see
> > missing from the pager?
> The little arrow on the left side of the pager that brings up a list of
> open windows and lets to switch between them. BioChem333 used it instead
> of taskbar to avoid excessive desktop clutter. The point is that certain
> small features are gone due to "usability" work which is likely to make
> Gnome unusable (See some other letters for exact problem reports).  
> Sorry for potentially flame inducing letter, but I'm worried about
> possible degradation of Gnome and turning it into an uncastomizable and
> dumb _toy_ desktop. I have had enough with Nautilus 1.0.6 mounting
> behaviour that made me remove Nautilus. I don't know about current 2.x
> version yet.
  I really did not like that "little arrow on the left side of the
pager", it was really annoying.  
  On menu panel all to the left side there is popup tasklist.  Now, this
popup tasklist is hard coded into menu panel, and there does not seem to
be a user selectable applet associated with it, which I think is a
mistake.  Additionally, you can turn on "always group windows" from
tasklist applet properties, this is not exactly the same, but it does
save you some space.  

> -- 
> nautilus-list mailing list
> nautilus-list gnome org
 "There has grown in the minds of certain groups in this country the
idea that just because
a man or corporation has made a profit out of the public for a number of
years, the
government and the courts are charged with guaranteeing such profit in
the future, even in
the face of changing circumstances and contrary to public interest. This
strange doctrine
is supported by neither statue or common law. Neither corporations or
individuals have the
right to come into court and ask that the clock of history be stopped,
or turned back."

-Robert Heinlein, Life Line, 1939

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