Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] yet another new mockup (meta)

Yet another new mockup:

- no more action button (which even was outside of the source area,
which just occured to me was a pretty bad thing - burn to cd - burn what
to cd? the currently playing song? (thats what it was next to))
- instead there is a 'show browser' checkbox, purpose immediately clear
in the source area (probably useful for playlists too, especially
- since we might want to be able to burn albums to cd too, a burn to cd
button only in playlist sources wouldnt make sense
- 'status'bar at the bottom
- smaller search entry
- shuffle button with label to make it clearer
- no repeat button (not necessary I think..)

sön 2003-05-11 klockan 17.52 skrev Colin Walters:
> On Sun, 2003-05-11 at 07:17, Jorn Baayen wrote:
> > IMHO this one just rocks.. best I've seen this far..
> > 
> > I think it's pretty much perfect..:)
> > 
> > Just the 'statusbar'-message should be in a different format *runs*
> The long search is slightly weird, but probably a bit less weird than
> having the status and search together.  Otherwise I agree, it's great. 
> If everyone else is cool with going with this than I am too.
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