Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] yet another new mockup (meta)

tor 2003-05-15 klockan 11.25 skrev MArk Finlay:
> > I dont think we need that new playlist buttn in the main ui.. for the
> > same reason as burn cd.. it's something you do maybe a few times..
> > certainly not all the time.. 
> Hmm, Well once playlist functionality is working I plan on using it all
> the time. It is a very commonly used feature of most if not all media
> players.

If you use it 'all the time' you'd end up with something like 10000
playlists after a week of use? I don't think that's realistic really...

> That siad, i'd settle for being able to context-click on the source list
> and selecting "New Playlist".

Well wouldnt that be the same as File->New Playlist? ;)

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