2008-December Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[team-gnome-gr] Fwd: New release of Damned Lies with Vertimus included,
Nikos Charonitakis
[team-gnome-gr] Bluetooth Applet,
Nikos Charonitakis
[team-gnome-gr] Μετάφραση σελίδας Γιατί GNOME;,
Μάριος Ζηντίλης
[team-gnome-gr] Brasero manual,
Fotis Tsamis
[team-gnome-gr] packagekit,
Evgenia Petoumenou
[team-gnome-gr] manuals: sudoku, mahjongg,
Evgenia Petoumenou
[team-gnome-gr] metafraseis,
Evgenia Petoumenou
[team-gnome-gr] Δημιουργία patch για διόρθωση στο πηγαί ο κώδικα (π.χ. μεταφραστ ικά μηνύματα),
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] package kit: πρώτη μ ετάφραση και σχόλια,
Evgenia Petoumenou
[team-gnome-gr] Επιμορφωτικά σ εμινάρια λεξικογραφία ς, μεταφράσεων,
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] Σελίδα με στιγ μιότυπα του GNOME,
Simos Xenitellis
Re: [team-gnome-gr] Βελτιώσεις στο δικτυακό τόπο www.gnome.gr,
Simos Xenitellis
Re: [team-gnome-gr] Στατιστικά λήψ ης του Oδηγού χρήσης το υ GNOME,
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] NetworkManager r4371 - trunk/po,
[team-gnome-gr] network-manager-applet r1057 - trunk/po,
[team-gnome-gr] network-manager-applet r1056 - trunk/po,
[team-gnome-gr] NetworkManager r4370 - trunk/po,
[team-gnome-gr] NetworkManager r4369 - in trunk: po vpn-daemons/openvpn/po vpn-daemons/pptp/po vpn-daemons/vpnc/po,
[team-gnome-gr] NetworkManager, NetworkManagerApplet,
Evgenia Petoumenou
[team-gnome-gr] NetworkManager, NetworkManagerApplet : Ερωτήσεις,
Evgenia Petoumenou
[team-gnome-gr] Το ιδιοταγές λ ογισμικό (proprietary software),
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] gtk+ r21844 - in branches/gtk-2-14: . gtk,
[team-gnome-gr] gtk+ r21843 - in trunk: . gtk,
[team-gnome-gr] gimp r27753 - trunk/po,
[team-gnome-gr] gimp r27752 - branches/gimp-2-6/po,
[team-gnome-gr] Fwd: Μετάφραση τ ου GIMP,
Simos Xenitellis
[team-gnome-gr] regexxer r683 - trunk/po,
[team-gnome-gr] Hi!,
Evgenia Petoumenou
Mail converted by MHonArc